Please make sure to have the property completely ready before we arrive. This brief list will help prevent issues and keep the flow of the shoot on track.


  1. Declutter and remove personal items such as family photos, excessive decorations, and collectibles.

  2. Clean and tidy up all rooms, including floors, countertops, and furniture surfaces.

  3. Dust and wipe down all surfaces, vacuum or sweep floors to ensure they are free of dirt and debris.

  4. Arrange pillows, cushions, and throws to enhance the visual appeal of sofas and chairs.

  5. Ensure all light bulbs are working and replace any burnt-out bulbs.

  6. We will not adjust height of blinds. Pull blinds all the way up, down, or where you want them. We usually recommend down.

  7. Hide cables and cords from electronics and appliances as much as possible.

  8. Remove pets from the premises during the photography session.


  1. Clean the exterior of the house, including windows, doors, and walls.

  2. Remove any visible signs of trash or clutter from the yard.

  3. Trim and maintain the lawn, hedges, and trees for a neat appearance.

  4. Remove vehicles from the driveway and front of the house.

  5. Store outdoor equipment, toys, and personal items out of sight.

  6. Sweep or hose down the driveway, walkways, and patio areas.


  1. Clear off countertops, removing small appliances and kitchen utensils.

  2. Clean all kitchen appliances, including the oven, stovetop, microwave, and refrigerator.

  3. Wipe down cabinets, ensuring they are free of fingerprints and smudges.

  4. Remove any magnets or personal items from the refrigerator.


  1. Make beds and ensure bedding and pillows are neat and well arranged.

  2. Remove personal items from nightstands and dressers.

  3. Arrange furniture in a visually appealing manner.

  4. Remove any visible signs of pets, including food bowls and litter boxes.

  5. Hide any cords or cables from electronic devices, if possible.

  6. Remove pets from the premises during the photography session.